Eye diagnostics with OCT

We know that medical exams can often raise questions and sometimes even be a little scary. For this reason, we have created this FAQ section to provide you with a clear overview of OCT examinations at our eye diagnostic center. We want you to feel safe and well cared for. Read on to learn more!

An eye diagnostic center is a specialized facility where eye examinations and diagnoses are performed. Here, we use the latest technologies to ensure your eyes are in the best health.

OCT stands for "Optical Coherence Tomography". It is an advanced imaging technique that provides high-resolution images of the different layers of the eye.

OCT allows us to obtain detailed images of both the anterior and posterior segments of the eye. This helps us to identify various eye diseases at an early stage and treat them appropriately.

No, the OCT examination is completely painless. You will only be asked to sit quietly and look in a certain direction.

The entire examination usually takes only a few minutes. So you can quickly return home or to your daily activities.

No, no special preparations are required.

In most cases, we can provide you with the results immediately after the examination. If necessary, further steps or treatments are suggested.

Yes, OCT is a safe and non-invasive examination method. No radiation is used and there are no known side effects.

The examination is performed by specially trained personnel who have extensive experience with this technique.

After the examination, we will discuss the results with you. If necessary, further examinations or treatments are suggested. Your eye health is important to us, and we are here to help!